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Elemental Analysis Service

Elemental Analysis Service


Payment for Elemental Analysis Service (PLEASE READ FULL DETAILS BEFORE PURCHASING)


Detailed Description

Elemental analysis- Solid and viscous liquid samples are weighed using Mettler Toledo high precision scale and analysed using ThermoFlash 2000.



UK and Europe

Sample type Price *
CHN analysis for stable sample (duplicate) £18.00
CHN analysis for air sensitive sample (duplicate) £26.40
CHNS analysis for stable sample (duplicate) £21.60
CHNS analysis for air sensitive sample (duplicate) £30.00

*Price includes 20% of VAT



Sample type Price
CHN analysis for stable sample (duplicate) £17.00
CHN analysis for air sensitive sample (duplicate) £27.00
CHNS analysis for stable sample (duplicate) £20.00
CHNS analysis for air sensitive sample (duplicate) £30.00


If you have any queries regarding to this product please contact

[email protected] or visit the home page.

CHN-air sensitive
CHNS-air sensitive

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