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The School of Art, Architecture and Design Short Course - material payment

The School of Art, Architecture and Design Short Course - material payment

Toolkit for Upholstery Student’s

Toolkit for Upholstery Student’s


Pay Upholstery student’s toolkit – all you need for your return to campus.     (Please check the details before purchase.)

This payment is for toolkit associated with your upholstery courses. 


The toolkits are to be collected from Calcutta House.  Please ensure you leave sufficient time for us to process your payment and order.  If you have any questions regarding to this purchase please contact Uholstery Technician Sally Evans s.evans@londonmet.ac.uk

Toolkit types:

Toolkit A contains: draper hammer, web stretcher, straight ripping chisel, spade lifter, 10’’ regulator, 12’’ needle & assorted slipping needles (supplied in a toolbox).

Toolkit B contains: 10’’ standard scissors, draper hammer, web stretcher, straight ripping chisel, spade lifter, 10’’ regulator, 12’’ needle & assorted slipping needles (supplied in a toolbox).

Please click on "Read more" to select the type of toolkits.

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The Cass Short Course Materials Payment

The School of Art, Architecture and Design Short Course Materials Payment (Please insert the amount)

Amount (£)


Pay for materials for one of The Cass Short Courses
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