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Third Party Verification

Third Party Verification


Third Party Verification



DO NOT make a payment until you have provided written consent to the Confermnet and Certification Team at awards@londonmet.ac.uk and you have received confirmation that the verification is possible before payment is made.

Third Party Organisations/Companies requiring verification of a former student's award and/or studies with respect to London Metropolitan University and its precursor institutions.

The Conferment and Certification Team only deal with verifications request via email to awards@londonmet.ac.uk
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Third Party Verification (Historic – pre-1992)



Pay fee for Third Party Verification (Historic – pre-1992) - (PLEASE READ FULL DETAILS BEFORE PURCHASING)

NOTE: DO NOT make a payment until you have provided written consent to the Special Collections Team at specialcollections@londonmet.ac.uk and you have received confirmation that the verification is possible before payment is made.
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